内蒙古新增境外新冠肺炎输入确诊和疑似病例4例-解决网:2021-6-12 · 抗击新冠肺炎)内蒙古新增境外新冠肺炎输入性确诊病例和疑似病例4例 中新网呼和浩特3月25日电 (记者 张玮)25日凌晨,内蒙古自治区卫生健康委发布消息:2021年3月20日20时至24日22时,内蒙古报告新增境外新冠肺炎输入性病例4例,其中2例 ...
                      Unless we are making progress in our nursing every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back.
                      - Florence Nightingale


                      Message from Founder & Executive Director: Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk

                      Given the current challenging situation of our U.S. healthcare system with the number of errors, preventable complications and wasteful healthcare spending, there is an urgent need to accelerate and sustain evidence-based practice across the nation.
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                      Message from Senior Director: Lynn Gallagher-Ford

                      Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to decision making that brings evidence, clinical expertise and patient preferences together to drive best patient care as well as clinician engagement and satisfaction.
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                      • 手机上境外网加速软件 5 Day EBP ImmersionGolink - 专为海外华人回国加速:2021-2-6 · Golink加速器是专为海外华人设计的一款加速看国内视频、玩国服游戏、听国内音乐,刷直播网页的一款软件,一个账号,多端使用,帮助海外华人突破地域的局限,无忧访问国内各大主流应用。
                      • 2 Day Leading EBP ProgramThis program (as a stand-alone or as an add-on with our EBP immersion program) goes deeper into understanding your organizational culture and how to affect culture change, sustainability and dissemination throughout an organization of any size or focus.
                      • Online Modular EBP ProgramThis online, self-paced experience provides 15 modules and an in-depth introduction to evidence-based practice. Within completion of the program you are awarded a certificate of completion and over 20 contact hours of continuing nursing education.
                      • EBP-CThis certificate of added qualification recognizes demonstrated expertise in EBP. Successful completion grants you the EBP certificate of added qualification for a period of five years.
                      • EBP HQThe EBP HQ is our premiere resource kit for evidence-based practice. You will gain access to educational EBP webinars, our EBP Toolkit application and templates, the PICOT helpdesk, EBSCO and DynaMed search resources and much more.
                      • COVID-19 Resources In order to help healthcare workers and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are compiling evidence-based resources. We will continuously update the repository with accurate information and guidance based on the evidence.

                      04 Aug

                      EBP With Me Reconnect Forum - C. Zellefrow & C. Beckett

                      10 Aug

                      EBP Immersion (Virtual)

                      21 Sep

                      EBP Immersion (Virtual)

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                      Join Our Newsletter and Stay Connected
                      Phone: (614) 688-1175

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